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1. Is This Thing Working? The show starts with a powerful introduction about the negative affects of bullying.  


2. Golden Rule The show takes a turn for the light hearted in this song about doing unto others as you would want done to you.


3. We Dig WormsLearn what it means to "dig" something about take a trip around the world to see all the different animals, plants, and things that we dig about nature.


4. KaizenJump in and sing about Kaizen, a Japanese Philosophy that encourages making little  changes everyday to better yourself.


5. In Their Shoes- Find out what it means to spend some time in

someone elses shoes.


6. I'm Gonna Fill a Bucket - Student's help Zach and Rob fill in the blanks in a song that explores what it means to be a Bucket Filler.


7. Be Kind - A bubbley dance party encouraging you to "be kind to all you find."


8. Have a Smile - Get up and march in this high energy take on our original song, "Have a Smile."

Be Kind Interactive Concert


Character Education

& Anti-Bullying

Character Education

& Anti-Bullying









Be Kind is an interactive musical program that encourages positive character building through upbeat, high energy, and audience perpetuated music. The show touches on a variety of positive messages, from the age old Golden Rule, to the idea of Bucket Filling as presented by Carol McCloud, to the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen, students will walk away singing about ideas that will encourage them to be happy. A perfect program for school's observing Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Month in October or for schools familiar with the Bucket Filling Program.     

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