Services and Pricing
Nature Jams offers several packages to best meet your events size and type and to best connect with your audience. We understand that different schools have different budgets, so if you are interested in bringing a Nature Jams program to your school, please e-mail us! We want to bring our music and our message to kids everywhere, and we are happy to work with you to meet your events needs.
Nature Jams I
Nature Jams I is an interactive music program designed for events with under 50 people.
- Ideal for birthday parties, small pre-schools, and small outdoor community events.
- An interactive musical set that gets kids singing, dancing, and playing along to a high energy, healthy message.
- Performer brings percussion, Boomwhackers, bubbles, and several audience supported visuals.
1 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $150
2 performers = $250
2 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $250
2 performers = $400
3 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $350
2 performers = $600
4 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $450
2 performers = $700
Nature Jams II
Nature Jams II is a powerful combination of customized motivational speaking, interactive music, and projector based visuals designed for elementary schools and middle schools groups of 50-250 people.
- Both the interactive elements of a smaller group and the projector based visuals designed for large-group participation.
- Program Planner allows you and Nature Jams to HIGHLY CUSTOMIZE your program.
- Two programs to choose from
Food For Thought - nutrition motivation
Be Kind - character motivation
- Performer brings instruments enough for entire audience, as well as projector presentation with lyrics, responses, and motivational imagery.
4 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $1000
2 performers = $1200
3 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $750
2 performers = $900
2 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $600
2 performers = $800
1 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $400
2 performers = $500
- Motivational speaking and empowerment designed for large elementary school, middle schools, and high school groups.
- Program Planner allows you and Nature Jams to HIGHLY CUSTOMIZE your program.
- Two programs to choose from
Food For Thought - nutrition motivation
Be Kind - character motivation
Nature Jams III
Nature Jams III is almost identical to Nature Jams II. Designed for groups over 250 people, Nature Jams III does not bring instruments for the entire audience, but instead focuses on body percussion and the voice as a means of interaction.
2 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $600
2 performers = $800
1 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $400
2 performers = $500
3 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $750
2 performers = $900
4 x 50 minute program
1 performer = $1000
2 performers = $1200
CD Favor Option
In the effort of spreading our music and our message, we offer large quantity CD packages to anyone who books Nature Jams. You may give the CD's away as favors, distribute them among the teachers of a school, or use them as prizes or raffle items.
Between 10 - 49 CD's: $3 per CD | Between 50 - 249 CD's: $2 per CD | Over 250 CD's: $1 per CD