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Earth, cause its our home, is an interactive concert designed to foster a love for the Earth and all of its wonders.  The combination of audience interactive music and breath taking environmental visuals creates a powerful appreciation for our planet earth and all of the animals, ecosystems, and elements that exist on earth. Perfect for schools studying the water cycle, weather, ecology, the animal kingdom, or for any event observing Earth Day.

Earth, 'Cause It's Our Home Interactive Concert


1. We Dig Worms -  Take a visual trip around the world and get a quick glimpse of all the things on this big old Earth that we really dig!


2. Mud Pies - Come get your hands dirty in this up-beat sing-a-long about the worlds most boggling culinary creation, the mud pie.


3. The Little Water Drop - Follow a little drop of water on a world wide adventure in this movie set to song.


4. Weather Man Blues- Learn about weather patterns and pressure zones in this silly song. 


5. Into the Garden - Follow Zach and Rob into their alphabet garden and discover where our food really comes from! 


6. Planet Earth - A powerful message about the fragility of our planet.


7. I Wanna Be A Hawk -  Help us fill in the blanks in this food-chain inspired sing-a-long.


8. Lettuce Play - Get up and move in this high-energy, bubble filled finale!!

Little Water Drop

Ecosystems & Environmentalism

Copyright 2013, Nature Jams LLC, all rights reserved. No children, animals, vegans, or instruments were harmed in the making of this website.

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