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Music and Your Child

“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning”  ― Plato

Here at Nature Jams, we are always writing, performing, and recording new music for kids. It is our hope that by providing young children with a healthy and singable message, that they will grow up to embrace healthy lifestyle decisions.


Before we began this Nature Jams adventure however, I (Rob) was a pre-school teacher, a school-age teacher, and music a teacher for kids of all ages. This blog portion of our website will be aimed at giving parents sound advice on nurturing their child's musical abilities. Many of our biggest fans are too young for music lessons, but not too young for musical guidance, and it is our hope that parents will find the following resources helpful in teaching their kids about music. It is my hope to update the materials here at least twice a month, and hopefully this will present a helpful at-home guide to getting you and your young one rocking out.   

Part III: Early Piano

Coming Soon

Part II: Drums and Rhythm

Coming Soon


Part IV: Early Guitar

Coming Soon

Copyright 2013, Nature Jams LLC, all rights reserved. No children, animals, vegans, or instruments were harmed in the making of this website.

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